Jilly Peppa, Outside G-Star, Wall St, New York

Jilly Peppa is executive editorial assistant at WeTheUrban, as well as the blogger behind Manufactured1987 and her eponymous Tumblr.She has also been featured in a recent Diesel campaign, and I think that's how I first became aware of her. I ran into her outside the runway show for G-Star, down in the unlikely location of Wall Street, amidst all the imposing stone architecture and tour guides in top hats. Tyler Joe (shooting for Marie Claire) and I decided to head down there for what promised to be amazing light and a picturesque location. The light, as it turns out, was a bit dimmer than we expected, and the location was so overcrowded with suits and tourists, it was hard to get a good shot. But the two of us were just about the only street style photographers down there, and for the first time all day, we got to spend a little bit of time getting to know our subjects. I got some of my favorite shots from Fashion Week there, including this one of Jilly. I'll be posting some of my other shots from outside G-Star the rest of the week.
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